LLM Native BA

Buenos Aires · Argentina

> manifesto

The LLM Native Manifesto

The Next Wave of Automation

The Industrial Revolution drove massive productivity gains across all industries but trapped workers in factories with mechanical labor. As automation spread, it freed humans from physical toil. Now we see the same cycle: the Digital Revolution boosted productivity but chained workers to screens. Just as mechanical automation freed factory workers, AI is now automating routine digital work. The pattern is clear: technological revolutions first create new repetitive forms of labor, then automation eliminates them.

Humans excel at building relationships, creative work, expert decision-making, and design. Yet we waste hours on digital busywork and administrative overhead. We need tools that eliminate repetitive digital tasks so people can do meaningful work. Technology should adapt to humans, not force humans to adapt to it.

Large Language Models mark a new era of cognitive tools - enhancing human intelligence, not replacing it. Success hinges on design that feels natural and flows with human thought. In this domain, taste is the ultimate currency - the difference between tools that enhance and those that hinder. The technology should act as an extension of mind itself, amplifying our work without demanding attention.

The LLM Native Organization

A new model of work demands organizations built around cognitive tools from the ground up. The LLM native organization works on two levels:

  • Internal Systems: LLMs form an intelligent layer between workers and digital systems - automating information flow and analysis across the organization.
  • External Products: Intelligence weaves throughout the experience, handling complexity invisibly while flowing naturally with user actions.

Core Purpose

Our mission is clear: eliminate repetitive digital work that consumes valuable time and attention, helping professionals to focus on what matters - creating quality products and services that serve their communities.

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